Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence :D. Daney gave a lecture on industrial control systems (L3), ITII, Polytech Nice (48h ETP).

  • Master : D. Daney gave a lecture on medical robotics, Master of Bio-Medical (M2), Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (22h ETP)

  • Master : O. Pourtallier lectured 6 hours on game theory to Master OSE (M2), at École des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France


  • PhD : J. Alexandre dit Sandretto, Calibration of large parallel robots, 2013, supervisors: D. Daney, G. Trombettoni

  • PhD :T. Gayral, Calibration of parallel telescope, 2013, supervisors: D. Daney, J-P. Merlet

  • PhD in progress :K. Bakal, Indices biomécaniques globaux de capacité de génération de forces, supervisor: P. Gorce (Handibio), J-P. Merlet

  • PhD in progress :A. Berti, Analysis of cable-driven parallel robbots, 2012-2015, supervisor: M. Carricato (U. Bologna), J-P. Merlet supervisor: P. Gorce (Handibio), J-P. Merlet

  • PhD in progress :L. Blanchet, Design of large scale wire-driven parallel robots, 2012-2016, supervisor: J-P. Merlet supervisors: J-P. Merlet

  • PhD in progress :H. Lamine, Analysis of cable-driven parallel robbots, 2013-2016, supervisor: L. Romdhane (ENI Sousse), J-P. Merlet

  • PhD in progress : R. Ramadour, Manipulation for assistance, 2011-2014, supervisors: F. Chaumette, J-P. Merlet


  • David Daney has participated in in the following thesis defense committees : Jorgé Alberto Rios Martinez, January 8, University of Grenoble, France, Julien Alexandre Dit Sandretto, September 11, University of Nice, France, Thibault Gayral, November 29, University of Nice, France

  • J-P. Merlet has been the member of the jury of 5 PhD defense and of one HdR